Catalysts for change

Amrop's Board Advisory Practice Group is a recognized trusted advisor, helping clients discover new trends and innovative practices. Led by Amrop board members and managing partners, our collective global knowledge puts us in a unique position to assist in board formation, management and assessment.

Imagen Lateral
Ensuring a Board of Directors diverse in expertise

In the AMROP Board Search service, our Partner, Felipe Fabrega, contributes his valuable experience in the search and selection of independent members for boards of directors. With its unique methodology and its ability to identify highly qualified talent, successful results are assured. Having their advice and support throughout the selection process ensures efficient and effective management in identifying and recruiting the right talent for the board of directors.

Get to know our Laser Headhunting methodology

Etapa 1


Context, Survey, and Validation of the Profile

An evaluation session is carried out with the client company to understand the culture, problems, strategic moment and need for talent.

Etapa 2


AMROP Research and Interviews

The research strategy, target companies and recruitment sources are defined. The list of potential candidates is prepared, who are filtered and interviewed based on the profile requirements, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.

Etapa 3


Presentation of candidates to the Client

A short-list with 5-7 potential candidates who meet the profile and conclusions of the research is presented to the client company. The client company selects the semi-finalist candidates and preliminary references are requested.

Etapa 4


Client Interviews and AMROP Reports

The client company interviews the semi-final candidates. Competencies are evaluated and validated through our Assessment Center. Reports are prepared for each candidate, and the finalists go on to a second interview with the client.

Etapa 5


Decision and Closure

The client company selects the winning candidate and 360° professional references are requested from the selected candidate. The offer letter is structured and negotiation and hiring of the winning candidate begins.

Etapa 5


Transition Coaching

Process of insertion and adaptation of the executive to the new position and organization for 3 months to achieve maximum productivity in the shortest time possible. Taught by independent professionals accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) with valuable corporate experience.